Metrologic Instruments - MS2400

Below are all the different types of Metrologic Instruments. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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MS2400 Stratos Honeywell e Metrologic Metrologic is now part of Honeywell Bioptic Scanner Scale Honeywell s MS2400 Stratos premium five sided bioptic scanner scale increases productivity in demanding high volume seated and small checkout environments Patented independent scanning planes and modular design promote easy set up lower maintenance costs and ensure continuous operation The MS2400 Stratos is the newest member of the company s premier line of 360 bioptic scanners The MS2400 Stratos features a faster microprocessor enhanced signal processing enriched decoding software and an optimized vertical scan pattern To help retailers boost checkout productivity Honeywell redesigned the Stratos SPHERE scanning architecture Stratos SPHERE p...